
Kody's Blog

Manta Storage Tier Improvements


At Joyent we're considering changing the storage tier of Manta from local storage to storage over iSCSI. One of the big questions here is how the iSCSI storage solution will perform in terms of latency and throughput.

In order to make any conclusions about how the iSCSI storage performs, we first need to know how the existing local storage architecture performs. Surprisingly it appears that we haven't done any in-depth analysis of this in the past.

fio is a great tool for synthetic benchmarks. Unfortunately fio can't be used for a lot of system level performance testing. fio is really just a filesystem and block storage benchmarking tool. There's a lot more code between Manta and ZFS (and the disks) that fio can't test.

We wrote a tool called 'chum' to test our storage performance. Chum is an nginx (or really any similar web server) client. It speaks to the WebDAV endpoint present in Manta's nginx installations. Chum is written in Rust and it uses operating system threads (not green threads) to generate PUT and GET request load.

Chum is the storage-tier equivalent to mdshovel, which was written to simulate production workloads against the metadata tier without involving many components.

Problems found in chum

Measuring performance is hard to get right. It's easy to start a benchmark and then forget about it until results pop out, but it's much harder to start a benchmark and make sure that it is measuring what you think it's measuring.

We had a few instances where we had problems in chum that lead to us measuring chum's performance (to some extent) instead of the system under test. The first was addressed in this commit.

  1. chum was spending a _lot_ of time reading from /dev/urandom!

    Everybody probably knew this was going to be slow except for me. Luckily with the help of DTrace we were able to see that chum was spending the majority of its time just reading random data from /dev/urandom.

    Instead, we pre-created a buffer of random data and kept it in memory. We used a global random buffer to hopefully reduce memory consumption. This was the next problem! We ended up with a decent amount of lock contention when the many threads were trying to acquire the buffer. We resolved this in this commit by creating a random buffer per-thread. This isn't really any worse for memory usage than the original read-from-urandom case since the data read from urandom would have been kept in memory for a little while anyway (before being freed and then reallocated, which is much worse).

  2. we misinterpreted the stats chum reported.

    We added some tabular output for chum statistics so we could draw some graphs of the client-side performance over time. This was all well and good until we discovered that we made a big mistake in how we were processing latency in the plots.

    The gist of the problem is that we were interpreting the first-byte and round-trip latency numbers as being reported as an average, and then for some reason we divided the number by 1000 (my mind must have been in Javascript land).

    We fixed this in this commit. Up until we fixed graphing bug it appeared that latency was always _extremely_ flat while throughput was jumping all over the place.

Problems found in the storage tier

While developing chum and running baseline tests we discovered a number of huge performance problems when our storage tier is under heavy load. Luckily our production storage tier(s) are very very rarely under the heavy load that we're simulating with chum.

  1. nginx was configured to write in 8k blocks.

    This generated an enormous amount of garbage that ZFS had to wade through every time an fsync was triggered. We discovered this when we noticed that zil_commit was slow simply because it had to iterate through a MASSIVE list of itx_ts.

    DTrace to the rescue once again. We did some more measuring and determined that for our workload a 128k nginx block size makes more sense. This is different than the filesystem's 'recordsize' tunable, which I've written about previously. This is MANTA-4816.

  2. fsync on the main thread was slowing down all requests.

    We noticed that first-byte latency was really bad under heavy load. This doesn't make sense, because first-byte latency should really mostly just measure the time it takes for nginx to accept a connection (we keep connections alive) and send a header to the client. It turns out that Joyent's modification of nginx to run an fsync when a file is done being uploaded is the culprit.

    nginx has an event loop architecture, so when something is slow (like fsync), it blocks anything else from running on that worker. We were able to quickly implement the ability to send the two fsync operations to a thread pool.

    This almost entirely eliminated first-byte latency and drastically improved throughput. This is MANTA-4863.

  3. eventports does not behave as documented, or is documented poorly.

    For a long time something that has bothered me is that our nginx workers do not have an even load distribution. One worker may be working very hard and 13 others may be almost completely idle. This is especially bad when we consider problems 1) and 2). We stumbled across a blog post from Cloudflare where an engineer discusses a similar problem they discovered. Their issue turned out to be due to intricacies in Linux socket types and flags. Luckily the eventports queueing code in illumos is very simple to understand. After briefly looking at the code it was apparent that eventports will queue waiters waiting on the _same_ number of events as other workers in the front of the queue instead of the back as I would expect.

    Technically it's not documented what will happen when two waiters are waiting on the same number of events. This behavior leads to the possibility of one waiter receiving all events. This was more of an academic experiment. We didn't correlate this with an nginx performance problem.

    It's easy to fix this, and can mostly be done with a single-line kernel hotpatch. The mystery of why load is not balanced between nginx workers remains! This is OS-8070.

  4. keepalives are disabled in production.

    Due to a three-year old (fixed) bug where nginx and muskie were both leaking connections, we had disabled HTTP keepalives in production. Three years later we never remembered to turn them back on. We discovered this while setting up our iSCSI baseline test machine.

    We were trying to match the settings to production and noticed this problem. QA did some testing and found that enabling keepalives reduced first-byte latency by ~10%.

  5. nginx worker process load balancing is broken by default.

    We finally found the root cause of this issue! It turns out that load balancing across nginx workers has been broken for a long time. We were trying to understand how load is spread between workers and why our solution to 3) was not fixing the problem. It turns out the problem appears before eventports is even given a chance to be broken. nginx has a tunable called accept_mutex. On our version of nginx it defaults to 'on.' It is documented here.

    The behavior here appears to be poor. There exists a global accept mutex that workers need to acquire before they can accept a connection. If a worker fails to acquire the mutex, it sleeps for 500ms (by default) and then tries again. If a worker acquires the mutex, it accepts a connection, AND it doesn't have to wait before trying to acquire the mutex again! This means that the thread that acquires the mutex has an advantage to acquire the mutex again for the next ~500ms! Crazy!

    We could observe this poor behavior simply by seeing how many times each worker was attempting to grab the mutex. It was very unbalanced. We can simply set this to 'off' and forget that this ever happened. This behavior is off by default in new nginx versions. This is MANTA-4967.


By making all of these changes we were able to approximately double storage tier throughput, effectively eliminate first-byte latency, and drastically reduce round-trip time while under high load. All of this was done with just a few 'tunable' changes and spending a day making sure fsync doesn't happen on the main thread.

This was very fun and it felt like I was making a difference. We haven't even gotten to testing iSCSI performance yet. Hopefully there is more low-hanging fruit.

Lessons we learned:

  1. benchmarking software is hard to get right
  2. understand how the software you're using works (all of it)
  3. keep dependencies (nginx) up to date, as long as you understand how the updates change things (see point 2)